Curso Online
English for Functional Communication (EFC)

The course English for Functional Communication (EFC) is specifically designed to take English to the learner in as natural a way possible as a classroom permits. Students will discover how the language works through a collaborative approach with the course tutor being a facilitator of the language and the learners actively engaged in the learning process. It focuses on the learning and immediate use of the language, drawing on the four (4) skills; Speaking, Writing, Listening and Reading, and special emphasis on speaking. From the very beginning, students will delve into the language and start communicating with one another and native speakers, training the ear, tongue and mind to defend them in a variety of social and professional situations. The course focuses on the development of social and professional skills that will enable students to be valuable assets in the professional world.
no aplica
The main objective of the course is to provide learners with the forum to develop their skills in a natural way
- Help learners recognize the value of the language in everyday life
- Change learners’ perception of second language learning
- Bring language to the learners in a relatable way
- Equip learners with necessary skills through collaborative learning and practice.
- Give learners a sense of confidence to execute functional social and professional tasks in everyday life
Designed for
The course is designed for students with Level B1 or higher, in accordance with the Common European Framework, who would like to improve communication skills in a meaningful and realistic way.
no aplica
The course will be conducted over six weeks and a half (6.5), for a total of 65 hours (2 hours/5 days a week). It will take on an interactive and collaborative approach in which students are indirectly in charge of their own learning through modern methodologies, where the tutor facilitates and guides the process.
EFC is divided into two (2) modules, each lasting three weeks. At the end of each module, students will carry out a project in which they will utilize the skills garnered over the previous three weeks. This project will be presented in two sessions lasting 2 hours and a half (2.5). Both modules will include practical and theoretical components, which will be systematic with the use of course material.
Pre-course Evaluation (Week 1)
- Administering of diagnostic test for new students.
Module 1: Making the right first impression (Weeks 1-3)
This module focuses on making a good first impression and is more formal in nature. It is divided into three parts outlined below:
- Making contact
In this part of module one, students will focus on:
- Making arrangements via email
- Meeting visitors on arrival
- Making small talk – the weather
- Welcoming visitors
In this part of module one, students will focus on:
- Welcoming visitors to their company
- Talking about their company
- Offering refreshments
- Giving directions in a building
- Getting acquainted
In this part of module one, students will focus on:
- Making small talk before a meeting
- Talking about free time activities
- Talking about personal possessions
- Talking about travel and places they have visited
Project one (Week 4)
Students will design a company and simulate an office environment and the social situations from module one.
Module 2: On a lighter note (Weeks 5-7)
This module focuses on more informal situations. It is divided into three parts outlined below:
- Entertaining a visitor
In this part of module two, students will focus on
- Showing a visitor around their town
- Talking about the place where they live
- Recommending things to do and see
- Giving directions in a town or city
- Eating out
In this part of module two, students will focus on:
- Making small talk in a restaurant
- Deciding what to order
- Talking about family and relationships
- Talking about education
- Thanking somebody for a meal/invitation
- Networking
In this part of module two, students will focus on:
- Starting a conversation with a stranger
- Talking about their company
- Talking about products at a stand
- More small talk
Project two (Week 8 – End of course)
Students will plan and create the setting for the three scenarios from module two and simulate the events in a realistic form.
Clases Online: lunes a viernes 6:00 p.m. a 8:00 p.m
4% por pronto pago en curso o diplomados, cancelando 30 días calendario previos a la fecha de inicio (acumulable con otros descuentos).
10% egresados, afiliados a Cafam (válido para Colombia)
Apertura y fecha de inicio: la apertura y la fecha de inicio del
programa dependerá del mínimo número de inscritos,
establecido por la Universidad.
Certificación: se otorgará certificación a quien haya
cumplido como mínimo con el 80% de las actividades
programadas en el aula.
Forma de pago: efectivo, cheque de gerencia, tarjeta de
crédito (recibimos todas las tarjetas, cuenta de cobro).
Válido para Colombia:
**Art. 92 Ley 30 de 1992 - Las Instituciones de
Educación Superior no son responsables del
**Numeral 6 del Art. 476 Estatuto Tributario
(ET) - Servicios excluidos del impuesto sobre
las ventas.