Value proposition
Public Speaking skills provides you with the power to share our ideas and generate a change in the world around us. Communication is a fundamental aspect of the human being. While we are climbing stairs in our lives – obtaining a university degree, progress in our professional life, settling down in a community – we will definitely face situations in which we need to express our ideas to others. Studying and practicing Public Speaking, we could learn to deliver effective presentations in the aforementioned contexts. 

Public Speaking is a vital skill that is sometimes a requirement at universities. Public Speaking is also highly valued in most majors and programs. For instance, the supervisor of a new video game must deliver a presentation to a group of managers about the updates of his team. The leader of a non-profit environmental organization must interact in a fundraising dinner to persuade potential donors. The director of a social networking company will need to explain the upcoming campaign. 

The ability to speak with competence and confidence will give us power. Being empowered means to have the resources, information, attitudes that allow us to take action to obtain a desired objective. All in all, effective communication is the key to success in the academic and working environments. 
Public Speaking has become one of the most important 21st century skills. This course promotes developing soft skills such as effective communication, leadership, digital literacy, creativity, problem-solving and bilingualism. 

Developing communication skills in a foreign language will lead us to obtain multiple benefits in our personal, professional, and social life. In the personal aspect, effective communication will help establish more significant relationships, become more confident when expressing our ideas and justify our points of view. In addition, we can become better listeners and share knowledge. In the professional field, we can display a very good first impression in a job interview, and in a working environment we will be asked to deliver an oral presentation at any time. Regardless the area of expertise, employers will require employees with effective communication skills. With respect to the social aspect, we can become more influential and persuasive individuals, and convince our audience our point of view is the most convenient. In general terms, we will become better citizens and better people. 
This course aims at developing communication skills and at the same time strengthening English language skills. The participant will be able to prepare and deliver effective presentations, analyze audiences, organize the information, attract the attention from the audience, select relevant sources and materials, cope with anxiety and build confidence. 

With respect to linguistics skills, the participant will practice and improve pronunciation, intonation, and connected speech. In addition, participants can improve grammar that is important to convey meaning effectively and to be understood. Also, participants will expand their vocabulary: words, phrases, and expressions to make the speech more varied and coherent. 
Competences acquired by the participant
  • Analyze the audience.
  • Select and narrow down topics.
  • Evaluate speeches
  • Develop central ideas.
  • Keep the attention from the audience
  • Gather supporting material
  • Organize the information
  • Use language effectively
  • Use and describe visual aids
  • Deal with anxiety
  • Build confidence
  • Improve pronunciation and grammar
  • Expand vocabulary
  • Speaking in small groups
Designed for
To people from any area of expertise who wish to strengthen their communication skills and language skills in English.  Intermediate or higher level of English is required. 
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Though this theoretical-practical course the participant will review the material about Public Speaking included in every module. The participant will have access to readings, videos, infographics that we will use for the practical part of the course. For the practical part of the course, participants will discuss about the materials, create podcasts, interact with the teacher, create mini presentations. 

Participants will be asked to deliver a presentation at the end of the course. The presentation should include all the elements covered during the whole course. There will be multiple opportunities to develop oral skills during the course that can be graded and evaluated. Feedback on communication and language skills will be given to participants’ interventions. 

The course “Public Speaking” is divided into 10 modules. Students will be gradually exploring elements that can be included in the final product. The main core of the course is reviewing what Public Speaking is and its benefits, preparing the presentation, organizing the information, gathering supporting material and delivering the presentation. 
Contenidos académicos
Module 1: What is Public Speaking? What are their benefits?
Learning objective:

This module includes a preview of the audience-centered speaking process to offer a more complete introduction to public speaking and its benefits. Participants will get to know each other and discuss about their expectations and needs.

  • What is Public Speaking?
  • What are their benefits?
  • Speaking diagnostic activities

Module 2: Selecting the topic
Learning objective

This module allows participants to be effective listeners and listen critically. Participants will listen to speeches and identify elements present in successful speeches. Participants will start to think about a topic they want to develop in their final presentation. They will also identify and discuss about the purpose of their speeches.
  • Effective listening
  • Listening to speeches
  • Determining the purpose of the speech
  • Selecting the topic

Module 3: Analyzing the audience
Learning objective

During this module, participants will create and apply instruments to obtain information about the audience. They will also present their findings and discuss on how this information will be useful for the preparation of the presentation.

  • Analyzing the audience
  • Traits to know about the audience
  • Creating instruments to obtain information
  • Presenting their findings about the audience

Module 4: Starting your presentation and developing the central idea
Learning objective

Participants will identify different strategies to start a presentation effectively and in a non-traditional way. Participants will also present the first minutes of their presentation where they get the attention of the audience.

  • Developing the central idea
  • Generating main and secondary ideas
  • Using strategies to start a presentation effectively
  • Attracting the attention of the audience

Module 5: Organizing your presentation
Learning objectives

Participants will identify different options they have when organizing the information. They will also put into practice signposting expressions that can be used for each structure.

  • Organizing your main ideas
  • Structures of a presentation (topically, chronologically, spatially)
  • Advantages and disadvantages of each structure.
  • Developing signposts

Module 6: Gathering supporting material and using visual aids
Learning objectives

Participants will identify different sources of supporting materials and visual aids. Participants will also cite material orally and on the visual aids.  

  • Identifying different sources of supporting material
  • Facts
  • Definitions
  • Testimony
  • Examples
  • Statistics
  • Evaluating your supporting material
  • Identifying different visual aids
  • Citing materials orally and on the visual aids
Module  7: Using language effectively
Learning objectives

This module will allow participants to practice their language skills. Participants will identify verbal and non-verbal communication strategies. Participants will select formal vocabulary and structures according to the audience. In addition, participants will also select different options for signposting and small talk.

  • Using language effectively
  • Formal and informal language
  • Nominalization
  • Verbal and non-verbal communication
  • Body language
  • Signposting
  • Pronunciation practice
  • Claims versus arguments

Module  8: Concluding your presentation and rehearsing
Learning objectives

Participants will identify different strategies to conclude their presentation and attend questions from the audience.

  • Concluding your presentation
  • Summarizing
  • Signaling the end of your presentation
  • Attending questions from the audience
  • Rehearsing the presentation

Module 9: Delivering your presentation
Learning objectives

This module allows students to socialize their final presentations.
  • Speaking in small groups
  • Communicating in virtual environments

Module 10: Assessment
Learning oobjective

Particiants will ientify their strengths and opportunities to improve through self-evaluation, peer-evalaution and feedback from the teacher. Participants will reflect on the experience of the course.

  • Self-evaluation
  • Peer-evalaution
  • Feedback
  • Reflection on the course
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Información adicional
Clases Online: lunes y miércoles de 6.00 p.m. a 9:00 p.m.

  • Beebe, S., Beebe, S. (2013). Public Speaking Handbook. 4th edition. Pearson
  • Ford-Brown, L. (2012). DK Guide to Public Speaking. Pearson
  • Grice, G., Skinner, J. (2010). Mastering Public Speaking. 7th edition. Pearson.
  • Sellnow, D. Confident Public Speaking. (2005). Thomson
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4% por pronto pago en curso o diplomados, cancelando 30 días calendario previos a la fecha de inicio (acumulable con otros descuentos).
10% egresados, afiliados a Cafam (válido para Colombia)

Apertura y fecha de inicio: la apertura y la fecha de inicio del programa dependerá del mínimo número de inscritos, establecido por la Universidad.
Certificación: se otorgará certificación a quien haya cumplido como mínimo con el 80% de las actividades programadas en el aula.
Forma de pago: efectivo, cheque de gerencia, tarjeta de crédito (recibimos todas las tarjetas, cuenta de cobro).

Válido para Colombia:
**Art. 92 Ley 30 de 1992 - Las Instituciones de Educación Superior no son responsables del
**Numeral 6 del Art. 476 Estatuto Tributario (ET) - Servicios excluidos del impuesto sobre las ventas.