Selected Topics in Computational Engineering for Scientific Challenges of the 21st Century: From Bioelectronic Devices to Solar Desalination Systems

Computational modeling has become a critical part of the engineering analysis process to understand and develop solutions for complex engineering systems. Through mathematical and physical descriptions, computational engineers implement algorithms, formulations, and spatio-temporal approximation schemes that can capture and predict the physics of engineering systems. A widely popular numerical method for solving engineering and science problems is the Finite Element Method (FEM), as it offers a robust theoretical framework and implementation pipeline to tackle complex multidisciplinary problems ranging from bioelectronic device design to solar desalination systems. With the rapid evolution of computational tools and methods, FEM has become indispensable in designing, analyzing, and optimizing processes and devices. Our summer school will introduce mathematical foundations to develop finite element formulations in 1D, 2D, and 3D and implement the theory into practical linear and non-linear engineering problems in solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, and electromagnetics using commercial modeling software. This comprehensive program is designed to equip participants with the skills necessary to tackle 21st-century engineering challenges, using FEM fundamentals to accurately model systems, predict their behavior under various conditions, and innovate in design and functionality. This summer school is an exceptional opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge of the theory and practical skills required to design, validate, and verify solutions using FEM by learning from experts in the field and tailor your modeling skills to address current and future challenges in engineering and science.
To derive, formulate, and apply the fundamental concepts of the finite-element method and its application to solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, heat and mass transfer, biophysics, and electromagnetics.
To develop an understanding of the computational aspects of the finite-element method and its application in current and emerging engineering and science applications.
Bridge theoretical knowledge with practical skills through hands-on sessions using leading FEM commercial software tools like COMSOL, ABAQUS, and MATLAB.
Develop the ability to apply knowledge of mathematics (linear algebra), science, and engineering in finite element formulations between strong-form and weak-form representations.
Provide practical training in implementing FEM for linear elasticity problems in MATLAB, including element formulation for shape functions in 1D and 2D, mesh refinement and error convergence.
Offer in-depth experience with COMSOL for multiphysics coupling and advanced modeling techniques.
This program targets senior undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, and professionals in engineering, physics, and related disciplines. Participants are expected to have a basic understanding of mathematics and physics, with prior knowledge of linear algebra and differential equations being advantageous but optional.
Our approach combines theoretical lectures with practical tutorials and hands-on software sessions. The curriculum is structured to build foundational knowledge before moving to advanced topics and applications. Each participant will engage directly with FEM concepts through guided exercises and projects, utilizing Matlab, COMSOL, and ABAQUS to solve real-world engineering problems.
Day 1 (June 11th)
Introduction to FEM and Review of Mathematical Preliminaries and Linear Elasticity
Overview of FEM Principles Strong Form vs Weak Form Representations
Tutorial: Direct Stiffness Method + Element Shape Functions
Day 2 (June 12th)
FEM Implementation for Material Properties and Basic Element Types
Practical session on FEM implementation for 1D elasticity in MATLAB.
Hands-on exercises on mesh refinement and element formulation in 1D, 2D, and 3D.
Day 3 (June 13th)
COMSOL Implementation and Multiphysics Coupling
Introduction to COMSOL and its application in multiphysics problems.
Tutorial on modeling and optimization using COMSOL.
Day 4 (June 14th)
Simulation-Driven Design Optimization examples in COMSOL and ABAQUS, focusing on solar desalination and bio-integrated electronics.
Symposium featuring keynotes and talks on advanced FEM applications and research.
Alessandro Alabastri received his BSc 2007 and MSc 2009 in Engineering Physics from Politecnico di Milano, specializing in Nano-Optics and Photonics. In 2009, he completed his Master’s project at the Technical University of Denmark, working on the optical characterization of metamaterials. In 2014 he obtained a Ph.D. in Nanosciences from the Italian Institute of Technology and the University of Genoa, working on computational modeling of plasmonic structures. In 2015, he was Visiting Researcher at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory at the Molecular Foundry. He joined Rice University in 2015 as Postdoctoral Fellow 2015-2016 and NEWT Postdoctoral Leadership Fellow 2016-2018, working on theoretical nanophotonics and solar distillation devices. In 2018, he was appointed Texas Instruments Research Assistant Professor, and in July 2020, he started his group as a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Rice University. Dr. Alabastri is an expert in nanophotonics and computational modeling of photo-thermal interactions in complex nanostructures. He worked on several aspects of light-to-heat conversion, exploring the mechanisms to maximize heat dissipation in nanoparticle-based systems. He has developed predictive models of energy-conversion systems, such as photon-enhanced thermonic emission devices in collaboration with the European Space Agency and nanophotonics-enabled Solar membrane distillation modules at Rice University.
Raudel Avila joined Rice University as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering in 2023 where he directs the Computational Mechanics and Bioelectromagnetic Laboratory. He received a BSc 2017 in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Texas at El Paso and a PhD 2023 in Mechanical Engineering from Northwestern University where he worked on developing computational mechanics and electromagnetic models for bioelectronics. He has published more than 50 peer-reviewed publications in interdisciplinary journals including Science, Nature, and PNAS and mechanics journals including Journal of Mechanics and Physics of Solids and the Journal of Applied Mechanics. In 2023, he received the ASME Haythornthwaite Research Initiation Grant for his work on theoretical and applied mechanics. Dr. Avila’s research centers on developing numerical and analytical models for biointegrated electronics to study the miniaturization, scalability, packaging, power limitations, tissue interactions and energy absorption in biomedical devices.
4% por pronto pago: Este descuento es el único acumulable y aplica si pago es realizado un mes antes de iniciar el programa.
10% por ser egresado o estudiante (activo) en pregrado o posgrado de la Universidad Javeriana o hijos (as) egresados.
10% por afiliación a la caja de compensación Cafam.
15% para grupos de 3 a 5 participantes en el mismo programa.
20% para grupos de 6 participantes en el mismo programa y en el tercer diplomado realizado consecutivamente.
Apertura y fecha de inicio: la apertura y la fecha de inicio del
programa dependerá del mínimo número de inscritos,
establecido por la Universidad.
Certificación: se otorgará certificación a quien haya
cumplido como mínimo con el 80% de las actividades
programadas en el aula.
Forma de pago: efectivo, cheque de gerencia, tarjeta de
crédito (recibimos todas las tarjetas, cuenta de cobro).
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